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Email Marketing

Email Marketing

Make A Direct Approach

Email is a popular and valuable marketing tool with greater conversion rates than social media.

We can devise and implement an effective email strategy which supports your business goals.

Email campaigns are one of the most effective marketing solutions.

Social platforms severely limit the number of followers who will see your organic posts in their feed (to as little as 2%). With no similar restrictions, the success of an email campaign depends mostly on the campaign itself.

Existing and potential customers are often happy to hear about promotions and new products. So, email open rates average at around 25%, and the right message can prompt a repeat or a first purchase.

We can work with you to create and implement an effective email marketing strategy which delivers the right messages and gets results for your business.

Happy customer keen to hear the message from an email campaign
Laptop screen with addresses for email campaign and postit explaining that segmentation is splitting customers into groups with shared characteristics.

Good email campaigns achieve high conversion rates.

In one report 66% of recipients purchased as a result of an email campaign. Such success depends on a great offer combined with great campaign design. It is vital to target customers with useful, relevant messages.

Our specialists can segment your mailing list to ensure your message reaches the right people. We create eye-catching, insightful content to drive the success of your email campaign.

And, since many people open email on mobile devices, the bespoke templates we create for you will always be mobile-friendly.

Testing and Monitoring are vital to campaign success.

Identification of what is working and what is not allows your email campaign to be adjusted to maximise its effectiveness.

We perform up-front effectiveness testing then track open, click-through, conversion and unsubscribe rates to optimise your email campaign.

Good strategy, design and implementation can make the difference between an email campaign which is welcome and gains you sales, and one which is irrelevant or off-putting.

We can support you at all stages from strategy through creation to monitoring and analysis, ensuring that you get the best results from your campaign and leaving you free to focus on other aspects of your business.

We carry out campaigns using email service providers including:

  • Mailchimp
  • Campaign Monitor
  • Hubspot

Hands point at laptop screen as email campaign is monitored for success.